Sachin was introduced to me by Pradnya Shenoy- another wonderful colleague, around August-September 2010 when i had applied for an IJP at workplace. Sachin gave me insight in to the job role i had applied for which i was able to clinch it a few months later. Thereafter he has been my mentor and a person to whom i turn to for advice.He helps clear the haze around and see things in a different angle.
On occasion of your marriage Sachin, i wish you all the best for your married life along with your spouse Supriya. May you always feel as close as you do this day. May your lives be graced with good health. May you always find happiness in your home, and may it be a refuge from the storms of life. May your love grow ever stronger as you share your lives together, and may your future be even more wonderful than you dreamed possible.
Congratulations and wish you a Happy Married Life!!